You can find the full list of my papers on Google Scholar, ORCiD, and Clarivate Web of Science.

Book Chapters

[BC1] M. Banagar, V. V. Chetlur, and H. S. Dhillon, “Stochastic geometry-based performance analysis of drone cellular networks,” in UAV Communications for 5G and Beyond, Y. Zeng, I. Guvenc, R. Zhang, G. Geraci, and D. W. Matolak, Eds. New York: Wiley, 2020, ch. 9, pp. 231-254. [Wiley] [IEEE Xplore] [Google Books]

Journal Articles

[J6] M. Banagar and H. S. Dhillon, “Fundamentals of wobbling and hardware impairments-aware air-to-ground channel model,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, to appear. [IEEE Xplore] [arXiv] [Code]

[J5] M. Banagar and H. S. Dhillon, “3D two-hop cellular networks with wireless backhauled UAVs: Modeling and fundamentals,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 6417-6433, August 2022. [IEEE Xplore] [arXiv] [Code]

[J4] M. Banagar, H. S. Dhillon, and A. F. Molisch, “Impact of UAV wobbling on the air-to-ground wireless channel,” IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 14025-14030, November 2020. [IEEE Xplore] [arXiv] [Code]

[J3] M. Banagar and H. S. Dhillon, “Performance characterization of canonical mobility models in drone cellular networks,” IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 19, no. 7, pp. 4994-5009, July 2020. [IEEE Xplore] [arXiv] [Code] [Video]

[J2] M. Banagar, V. V. Chetlur, and H. S. Dhillon, “Handover probability in drone cellular networks,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 9, no. 7, pp. 933-937, July 2020. [IEEE Xplore] [arXiv] [Code]

[J1] M. Banagar, B. Maham, P. Popovski, and F. Pantisano, “Power distribution of device-to-device communications in underlaid cellular networks,” IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 204-207, April 2016. [IEEE Xplore] [arXiv]

Conference Proceedings

[C7] M. Banagar and H. S. Dhillon, “Wobbling and impairments-aware channel model and its implications on high-frequency UAV links,” in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 2022, pp. 5983-5988. [IEEE Xplore]

[C6] M. Banagar and H. S. Dhillon, “Fundamentals of 3D two-hop cellular networks analysis with wireless backhauled UAVs,” in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Madrid, Spain, December 2021, pp. 1-6. [IEEE Xplore] [Code]

[C5] M. Banagar and H. S. Dhillon, “Fundamentals of drone cellular network analysis under random waypoint mobility model,” in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Waikoloa Village, HI, USA, December 2019, pp. 1-6. [IEEE Xplore] [arXiv] [Code]

[C4] M. Banagar and H. S. Dhillon, “3GPP-inspired stochastic geometry-based mobility model for a drone cellular network,” in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Waikoloa Village, HI, USA, December 2019, pp. 1-6. [IEEE Xplore] [arXiv] [Code]

[C3] M. Banagar, B. Maham, and V. Shah-Mansouri, “Bounds on the coverage probability of heterogeneous cellular networks,” in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Workshops on Green Communications and Networks, Kuala-Lampur, Malaysia, May 2016, pp. 755-759. [IEEE Xplore]

[C2] A. Eshraghi, B. Maham, Z. Han, and M. Banagar, “Efficiency and coverage improvement of active RFID two-hop relay systems,” in IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), Istanbul, Turkey, April 2014, pp. 2002-2007. [IEEE Xplore]

[C1] N. Zarmehi, M. Banagar, and M. A. Akhaee, “Optimum decoder for an additive video watermarking with Laplacian noise in H.264,” in IEEE International Conference on Information Security and Cryptology, Yazd, Iran, August 2013, pp. 1-5. [IEEE Xplore] [arXiv]