Welcome to my personal website!
I am currently a Senior Engineer at Qualcomm Technologies, Inc working with Enoch Lu and Jianming Zhu. I received my Ph.D. from the Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia Tech under the supervision of Harpreet S. Dhillon. During the summers of 2020 and 2021, I was a system engineering intern at Qualcomm working with Christos Komninakis and Robert Wilson, respectively. I received my B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical Engineering from University of Tehran, Iran, in 2012 and 2014, respectively.
Research Interests
- Physical Layer of 5G NR
- Wireless Channel Modeling
- UAV Communications and NTNs
- Random Processes and Stochastic Geometry
- [2024 June] Journal paper “Fundamentals of Wobbling and Hardware Impairments-Aware Air-to-Ground Channel Model” accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
- [2022 December] Presented conference paper “Wobbling and Impairments-Aware Channel Model and its Implications on High-Frequency UAV Links” virtually in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
- [2022 August] Journal paper “3D Two-Hop Cellular Networks with Wireless Backhauled UAVs: Modeling and Fundamentals” is published in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
- [2022 May] Joined Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. as a Senior Engineer.
- [2022 May] Defended Ph.D. Dissertation with title “Drone Cellular Networks: Fundamentals, Modeling, and Analysis” from Virginia Tech.
- [2021 December] Presented conference paper “Fundamentals of 3D Two-Hop Cellular Networks Analysis with Wireless Backhauled UAVs” virtually in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) at Madrid, Spain.
- [2021 May] Joined Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. as a System Engineering Intern.
- [2021 May] Passed Ph.D. Preliminary Exam.
- [2020 December] Book chapter “Stochastic Geometry-Based Performance Analysis of Drone Cellular Networks” is published in Wiley for the book UAV Communications for 5G and Beyond.
- [2020 September] Journal paper “Impact of UAV Wobbling on the Air-to-Ground Wireless Channel” is published in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.
- [2020 July] Journal paper “Performance Characterization of Canonical Mobility Models in Drone Cellular Networks” is published in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
- [2020 July] Journal paper “Handover Probability in Drone Cellular Networks” is published in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters.
- [2020 May] Joined Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. as a System Engineering Intern.
- [2019 December] Presented conference papers “Fundamentals of Drone Cellular Network Analysis under Random Waypoint Mobility Model” and “3GPP-Inspired Stochastic Geometry-Based Mobility Model for a Drone Cellular Network” in IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) at Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA.
- [2019 June] Passed Ph.D. Qualification Exam.
- [2018 January] Joined Wireless@VirginiaTech as a Ph.D. Student.
- [2016 May] Conference paper “Bounds on the Coverage Probability of Heterogeneous Cellular Networks” is published in IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC) Workshops.
- [2016 April] Journal paper “Power Distribution of Device-to-Device Communications in Underlaid Cellular Networks” is published in IEEE Wireless Communications Letters.
- [2014 September] Defended M.Sc. Thesis with title “A Stochastic Geometric Approach for the Analysis and Design of Cognitive Device-to-Device Networks” from University of Tehran (In Persian).
- [2012 September] Joined University of Tehran as an M.Sc. Student.
- [2012 September] Defended B.Sc. Project with title “Carrier and Symbol Synchronization Techniques” from University of Tehran (In Persian).
- [2008 September] Joined University of Tehran as a B.Sc. Student.